Feb 24 2012

Chagrin Falls



chagrin falls ohio

The picturesque village of Chagrin falls has grown around a natural waterfall on the Chagrin River. The town is known for its restaurants, historic architecture, shopping, and its arts community. For more information on Chagrin Falls:


Today’s Quote: “A picture is a poem without words”. – Horace

Jan 27 2012

Chagrin Falls Hardware Store


chagrin hardware

My blog today is going to be a little different. The photo above is one that I took of the Chagrin Falls Hardware Store last year for the SpoonDrawer Media Group. Chagrin Hardware is a family owned business that has operated in Ohio since 1857. It’s a very cool old store and it has recently gained national attention because of a “cash mob” of people that came out to support the business.

I took a photo of my TV with my phone last night. It shows my photo being used by ABC News last night when they did a story on the hardware store. I just thought it was cool to have one of my photos on the national news.

chagrin hardware

Today’s Quote:

“If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success”.-John D. Rockefeller