Oct 18 2011

The Greenbrier Suite


Today’s Photo: The Greenbrier Suite


Greenbrier Suite

This is a photo of the 2 story Great Hall of the Greenbrier Suite. The Greenbrier Suite was secret residence of the Van Sweringen Brothers and it is located inside the Terminal Tower. That’s right, it is located on the 12th, 13th, and 14th floors of the Terminal Tower in downtown Cleveland.
This stunning home was built to rival the mansions located on Euclid Ave. It was built in English Gothic style with oak paneling and marble fireplaces.

Who are the Van Sweringen Brothers you ask?  Oris and Mantis Van Sweringen were two Clevelanders who created a $3 billion, 30,000-mi.
railroad and real estate empire. They also were the builders of the Terminal Tower and the real-estate developers of Shaker Hts.

For more information:


Today’s Quote:

“We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they’re called memories. Some take us forward, they’re called dreams.”  – Jeremy Irons

Oct 11 2011

In Bloom


University Circle

Today’s Photo: In Bloom

This photo was taken in early spring near Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio. To me it looks like the trees are reaching for the sun.

Today’s Quote:

At present, I am mainly observing the physical motion of mountains, water, trees and flowers. One is everywhere reminded of similar movements in the human body, of similar impulses of joy and suffering in plants – Egon Schiele

Oct 10 2011

The Dark Knight at Cleveland Museum of Art


The Dark Knight at Cleveland Museum of Art

Today’s photo: The Dark Knight

When I was a kid I used to like to go to the art museum for one reason and one reason only, the Armor Court. I liked to see the swords, guns and armor hanging on the walls. It turns out that while I like going to the art museum to look at other things now the Armor Court is still my favorite area. I had to post a photo of my favorite exhibit in the museum.  How cool is that?

For more info on the free Cleveland Museum of Art click here:


Quote: But what is liberty without wisdom, and without virtue? It is the greatest of all possible evils; for it is folly, vice, and madness, without tuition or restraint. – Edmund Burke

Oct 7 2011

Rock in Retrospect – The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame


cleveland "Rock and Roll Hall of fame"

Today’s Photo: Rock in Retrospect

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame reflecting in the waters of Lake Erie. The museum is part of Cleveland’s redeveloped North Coast Harbor. Cleveland disc jockey Alan Freed is widely credited with promoting the new name of “rock and roll”, and Cleveland was the location of the first rock and roll concert. For more information on the Rock Hall please visit:


Today’s Quote: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.-Eleanor Roosevelt