Mar 29 2012

Cleveland Fallen Firefighters Memorial


Cleveland Firefighters Memorial

The Cleveland Fire Fighters IAFF Local 93 has posted the following info on their website: “The new Cleveland Fallen Firefighters Memorial was made to honor those firefighters who made the ultimate sacrifice. The new memorial is more representational of firefighting and is located in one of the most visible sites in Cleveland.

It is at the corner of Erieside Ave and Lerner Way at 362 Erieside, between Cleveland Browns Stadium, the Science Center, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It is our goal to keep alive the memory and sacrifice of these brave men, and in doing so will honor past, present and future fire fighters.

The Cleveland Fallen Fire Fighters Memorial was dedicated on June15th, 2007”.


For more info:


Today’s Quote: “A hero has faced it all: he need not be undefeated, but he must be undaunted”. – Andrew Bernstein