
Today’s Cleveland photo is of the Peter B. Lewis Building in Cleveland, Oh.
From the Case Western Reserve Website:
About the Building:
The home of the Weatherhead School of Management is the Frank Gehry-designed Peter B. Lewis Building. The Lewis Building reflects the spirit of Weatherhead’s innovative approach and clearly places Weatherhead in the vanguard of business education. It redefines the way a business school should look, just as Weatherhead redefines the way management education should be taught.
About Peter B. Lewis:
In 1965, in one of the first leveraged buyouts in history, Peter B. Lewis took control of his family’s 100-employee Cleveland insurance company. His radical idea: insure drivers no other company would touch. Forty years later, he is Chairman of the Progressive Corporation, the nation’s third largest auto insurer with 27,000 employees and sales of $13.4 billion. In 1999, Mr. Lewis donated $36.9 million to the Weatherhead School for the building that bears his name – the most recent gift in a series of contributions to Case Western Reserve University honoring four generations of the Lewis family who have attended the University.
For more information please see: http://weatherhead.case.edu/about/facilities/lewis/default.cfm
Today’s Quote: “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it” – Aristotle
no comments | tags: Case Western Reserve, Cle, Cleveland, Cleveland photography, cleveland photos, culture, downtown, frank gehry, Oh, Peter B. Lewis Building, university circle, Weatherhead School of Management

Today’s Photo: Peter B. Lewis Building at Case Western Reserve University
From the CWRU website:
“Dedicated in 2002, the Peter B. Lewis Building is home to the Weatherhead School of Management. Named in honor of lead donor Peter B. Lewis, chairman of the Progressive Corporation, and designed by world-renowned architect Frank Gehry, the building is the most advanced management school facility in the world and reflects Weatherhead’s international reputation for innovative management education.”
“The Weatherhead School of Management is different from other business schools. We are bold in our ideas, creative in our approach, and adaptive in our interactions within a changing business environment. We’ve enhanced traditional management education by integrating the fundamentals of business with ideas and practices that change individuals, organizations, and societies. Our graduates are ready to add immediate value to their organizations, their communities, and the world.
On Case Western Reserve University’s campus, located at the heart of University Circle, students find themselves in one of the densest concentrations of educational, scientific, medical and cultural institutions in the United States. Weatherhead’s neighbors include the Cleveland Orchestra, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Cleveland Botanical Garden, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, and University Hospitals.”
For more information please visit:
Today’s Quote:
“Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
no comments | tags: 6th, 6th city, 6thcity, architecture, art, blog, blue, Case Western Reserve, city, Cle, Cleveland, culture, downtown, dynamic, erie, frank gehry, frank gehry architecture, green, hdr, high, nature, Ohio, Peter B. Lewis Building, Photography, range, scenic, university circle