Charles Brush


Charles brush

Today’s Cleveland photo: The Charles Brush Memorial

Here is some information about Charles Brush from the Green Energy Ohio website: “Like fellow Ohioan Thomas Edison, Charles F. Brush, born in Euclid in 1849, was a restless backyard tinkerer and clever entrepreneur. A child prodigy, by age 15 he had built electrical gadgets and microscopes and telescopes for school chums. Brush graduated from the University of Michigan in 1869, with a degree in mining engineering. Brush is best remembered for his dynamo and arc lights, which illuminated a Cincinnati physician’s home in 1878 then Cleveland Public Square in 1879. These and more than 50 patented innovations made Brush a wealthy man. His company, Brush Electric Company, merged with companies that eventually formed General Electric, which still brings good things to light”. More info on Brush and his electric windmill:

For more information about other famous Clevelanders check out the Citiview website:

“Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science”. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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