
Squires Castle is an amazing place that reminds you of a bygone era in Cleveland history. Great place to take photographs and to take the kids to explore. Information on Squires Castle from the The Encyclopedia of Cleveland History : “Squires Castle is a picturesque castellated and turreted ruin on Chagrin River Rd. in the N. Chagrin Reservation of the Cleveland Metroparks. The irregular stone structure was originally built as part of the estate of Feargus B. Squire (1850-1932), vice-president and general manager of the Standard Oil Co. (OHIO) until 1909. Attracted by the beauty of the Chagrin Valley, Squire purchased 525 acres there in the 1890s. He engaged a New York architect and planned 2 buildings in the style of English or German baronial halls. The existing structure was erected to serve as a gatehouse and caretaker’s quarters, and the estate was improved with groves of trees, ponds, bridges, and miles of gravel roadway. The main residence was never built, and Squire built his principal home in Wickliffe. In 1922 the property was sold to a private land developer, and it was acquired by the Metropolitan Park Board in 1925 as the beginning of the N. Chagrin Reservation. Seriously vandalized and deteriorated, the gatehouse is now only a shell consisting of the stone and brick walls. Popularly known as “Squire’s Castle,” it is used as a shelterhouse and picnic area by park visitors. Renovations in 1995 included painting the ground floor of the castle with a waxed coating to deter vandalism”. Read more about Cleveland’s amazing history: http://ech.cwru.edu/
For Directions to Squires Castle follow this link: https://goo.gl/maps/ahPx9VVfndM2
Purchase this photo: Brent Durken Print Sales
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Built in 1884 and named after Jeptha H. Wade, one of the founding members of Western Union Telegraph, Wade Hall is one of the oldest zoo buildings in North America. Originally located in Wade Park, the first home of the Cleveland Zoo, it was later relocated to its present location. A wooden deck surrounds the building providing a scenic view of Waterfowl Lake
For more info on Wade Hall:
Today’s Quote: “Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil”. – C. S. Lewis
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Today’s Photo: Cleveland Skyline from the Viaduct
Today’s Cleveland photo was taken from the old Superior Rd. Viaduct near the Stonebridge Waterfront Apartments. I really love the way the city looks from this vantage point.
Today’s Quote: It’s really kind of hard to be a suburb of nothing. If you don’t have a downtown, you really don’t have anything. It’s hard to build a community around parking lots and subdivisions – Ed McMahon
no comments | tags: 6th, 6th city, best cleveland skyline, blog, blue, city, city scene, cityscape, Cle, Cleveland, Cleveland art, Cleveland City, Cleveland ohio photographs, cleveland photo, Cleveland photograph, Cleveland photography, cleveland photos, cleveland skyline, Cleveland Skyline art, Cleveland Skyline canvas, Cleveland Skyline canvas prints, Cleveland Skyline framed prints, Cleveland skyline photo, Cleveland Skyline photograph, Cleveland Skyline photographs, Cleveland Skyline prints, culture, cuyahoga river, Detroit–Superior BridgeSuperior, downtown, dynamic, Ohio, scenic, Superior Viaduct, terminal tower, urban Photography